Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pee stories

So I was working last night at my lovely new factory job when I realized I had to use the washroom. Clearly nothing alarming there. But it triggered my memory to a dream I had had the night before. I was sitting on a lazy-boy in our living room and I just couldn't stop peeing. But this isn't taking place at night its during the day. So I'm pissing everywhere in front of all the people in the house. I was just relieved that when I woke up I was sitting in a puddle.

Which makes me move on to my next story. As you get older your body starts to stop working and some people's bodies work better than others. Well apparently my Nanny has a problem in which she should be wearing depends but only wheres a panty-liner. Well I guess she likes to how shall I put this "Be free" at night and go commando. Now that she lives at my mothers this causes a problem because my Moms friend went to the bathroom and got a wet foot. That's right urine on her pant leg! And while I thought it wasn't that funny when my Mom told me about it weeks ago. I find it hilarious now. Unfortunate but hilarious!

So in closing I would like to ask. What do old people smell like? Answer: Depends.

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